Finally! You Can Learn
to Teach Tai Chi

The system to learn Tai Chi, teach Tai Chi, and grow your classes is here! You can expand your class offerings in your community, creating a unique class that is beneficial and engaging.

You can start now!

Claim your FREE TAI CHI mini course

Learn to Teach a FUN
evolving class

The system shows you how to create and run a class that is more than a “Form.” It can be a progressive community experience that clients return to month after month…

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Including” main_heading_color=”#1286d4″ alignment=”left” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” el_class=”tick”]

  • Class Plans
  • Sharable Videos
  • And More!


Teach Tai Chi as an Exercise Class

Tai Chi doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience with overly “philosophical” elements. It can be an engaging EXERCISE class.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Benefits for You and Your Students:” main_heading_color=”#1286d4″ alignment=”left” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” el_class=”tick”]

  • Improving balance, flexibility and muscle strength.
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Reducing falls in older adults.
  • Improving sleep quality.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Improving cardiovascular fitness in older adults.
  • Relieving chronic pain.
  • Increasing energy, endurance and agility.
  • Improving overall feelings of well-being!


Get Certified

Gain instant credibility and add value in your community by completing the Open the Door to Tai Chi Certification.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Community” main_heading_color=”#1286d4″ alignment=”left” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” el_class=”tick”]

  • Grow as a group
  • All your questions answered
  • Live Events


[ultimate_heading main_heading=”A Growing Market is Your Opportunity…” main_heading_color=”#ffffff” sub_heading_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”left” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:48px;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:18px;” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:30px;”]If you haven’t heard, the baby boomer market is aging, creating a massive change in the exercise world. And as they age, their values change. Their priorities shift. Most people are unaware of this and/or unwilling to provide the options the baby boomers want and need!


Simply put, traditional exercise classes are no longer appealing!


This untapped market has heard about the benefits of Tai Chi. Their Doctor told them about it. They read about it online, in their magazines, and maybe even heard about it from a few friend who tried a DVD awhile ago.


They’re looking for a good Tai Chi class. They are already looking for you.


But classes aren’t available around them, because of the traditional barriers placed around becoming a quality Tai Chi instructor. Whether you think you need a “lineage” or 10 years experience, this is untrue! Quite simply, there isn’t enough quality instructors. There is a lack of classes and lack of people to teach them.


This simple problem is your opportunity to create a vibrant community that will increase your income fast!


The Open the Door to Tai Chi System is an easy to follow curriculum that will give you the confidence and credibility to begin offering Tai Chi to your community.


All you have to do now is “Open the Door” and take the first step![/ultimate_heading]

What others have said about learning AND teaching Tai Chi

Tai Chi gives me amazing benefits!

LOVING the class and feeling better!

Having fun and enjoying her group!

The Open the Door to Tai Chi System and Certification

The system that will get you certified and help you create a Tai Chi class that will thrive!


  • Full Course to Learn to Teach TAI CHI
  • 24 READY FOR YOU Class Plans
  • 16 learning modules
  • Videos, PDF’s, and More
  • Basic ideas to help you set up your class structure and market it.
  • Certification
    • Ask questions to Dianne and other Certified members
    • Get new ideas, content, and help FAST
    • Grow and improve together as a community

Regular Price


(Plus $99 Annual Membership/Recertification*)

*1st membership payment 30 days after initial purchase


  • Everything included with the Basic Certification Plus:
  • One (1) 30 minute Skype sessions one-on-one with Dianne during your basic learning.  Be able to ask specific questions about form, application, or teaching methods.
  • One (1) 15 minute Skype test session to verify your knowledge and execution of the material.  You will be required to perform the form, teach the form and incorporate the concepts taught in the Open the Door to Tai Chi system.  This extra level of verification will provide you with the confidence that you know Tai Chi and can teach Tai Chi . . . and it will give your community the confidence that you have been certified by a Master instructor.

Regular Price


(Plus $99 Annual Membership/Recertification*)

*1st membership payment 30 days after initial purchase

Functional Aging Institute
American Council on Exercise
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Athletics & Fitness Association of America
ACSM Certified
ACSM Approved provider

Frequently Asked Questions

Of course! With the Open the Door to Tai Chi system, you can learn the form first with easy to follow videos. And then we not only teach you HOW to teach and WHAT to teach, but we also provide 24 fully completed class plans so you don’t need to waste time trying to organize your classes!

Tai Chi is a martial art that originated in China centuries ago. It began as a fighting form for the Shaolin priests, but then changed to its modern interpretation as “movement meditation.” The benefits of Tai Chi have been researched and proven to provide stress relief, blood pressure reduction, improved sleep quality, improved balance resulting in fewer falls, increased mental focus/awareness and many more.

No! All you need is a space to move! It could be in a recreation center, your studio, an assisted living center or even a park outdoors! All your students need is an engaging, interesting class that helps them improve their balance and mental focus.

The Yang short form has 24 moves. But learning the moves is only the beginning! Tai Chi is not a “horizontal” learning event where you keep learning more moves and/or forms. It is a “vertical” learning event that lasts a lifetime! The Open the Door to Tai Chi system teaches you how to bring the key principles and concepts of Tai Chi to your students so they keep coming back, year after year.

That’s why we have included the membership option. You will have access to Dianne and the community, so you can get qualified answers to get back to your students! Tap into 21 years of martial arts experience and provide real time benefits to your students.

You could do that. But you will not be able to retain those students because they will quickly know as much as you do. You will not know how to create an engaging and proven class. The Open the Door to Tai Chi System will launch you as a true authority and will provide you with progressive and challenging class plans that keep your students coming back for years as they continually benefit from your teaching. Neither your students nor you will be enjoying the many benefits of Tai Chi like stress reduction and improved balance if all you do is teach the moves.

We teach the Yang style, 24 form which is the standardized short form.